another point-differential tweak might be to cap scoring margin for tournament purposes at something like 20 points per game. You wouldn't have to change the tiebreaker, would continue to reward teams for strong in-tournament performances, but maybe would thread the needle enough to avoid situations like, well, intentionally fouling Andre Drummond up 23

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I'm, sadly, a Bulls fan and even I was dying laughing watching Boston run P&R with whoever LaVine and Vucevic were guarding and neither one of them even pretending to have any interest on getting out to the shooter.

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I don't like the idea of basing the tiebreaker on standings. It makes some sense but I feel like half the point of this thing is to incentivise lowlier teams to Show Up for The Cup.

Point differential is fine I think. Players should simply learn not to get upset at the score getting run up. I understand there's a degree of tradition there but it's sort of on them not to get into that situation. I thought Mazzulla handled things really well.

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Hell of a game last night in Sacramento, everyone assuming that the Kings, after going down two dozen, were just playing to lose by less than twelve. No quit in Mike Brown's kids, free throw line excepted. Yeesh.

And Jason Kidd, once again being nutless at a press conference. Remember when he was accused of putting hands on his partner, and he brought out *his child* to sit on his lap and use as a human shield? I suppose given Adam Silver's lack of discomfort with intimate partner violence, Jason Kidd is the gold standard model of an NBA coach.

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My idea for the Cup is to give whatever team wins the championship automatic home court advantage for the finals should they make it. Not for the playoffs entirely, just the finals. That gives any number of teams an incentive for both the regular season and the playoffs that doesn’t give too much of a prize (automatic playoff bid) so early in the season. It provides long term motivation for a good team (make it to the finals and know you can strike first and game 7 is played at home), and if something strange happens some year and a bad or injured team goes on a tear in November and wins the NBA cup but loses 50 games down the stretch, they aren’t taking an undeserved playoff spot from a better team. Keep the prize money too, obviously.

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Two ways to improve the Silver Cup. Tiebreaker is quarters won. Also $500000 to the fan that picks a perfect bracket; if no fan does so, the the half mil goes to me.

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I wrote this a week ago and have admittedly come around a bit on parts of the cup, but I still think it could be so much more: https://steve-chabot.medium.com/how-to-improve-the-nba-in-season-tournament-700b460cc624

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